horse racing

  • Sep- 2012 -
    3 September

    Horse Racing Betting Angles

    I thought it was time for something a little bit different. It has been a while since I wrote an article that focused on strategy rather than other aspects of betting. Today it is time for a look at some strategies! As bettors we are always looking for new strategies, systems or betting angles. In fact this is probably what…

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  • Aug- 2012 -
    27 August

    The Common Sense Approach

    I have something a bit different today. For once I am going to stop talking about making sure you can deal with the emotional side of betting, bankrolls and more for a different look at the problem of finding winners in racing. In fact this can be related to finding winners in any form of sports betting. This is something…

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  • 20 August

    Emotion Will Lose You Money!

    There are a few things that prevent the majority of punters from being successful in their betting. Without a doubt one of the biggest causes of losing is emotion. Betting with emotion is dangerous! That is the only way of putting it. It is not only in sports betting where the most successful can prevent their emotions from influencing their…

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  • Jul- 2012 -
    31 July

    WOM – It can be dangerous if you are just starting!

    If you have ever thought about getting involved in trading on horse racing, then you have almost certainly heard of WOM. For those of you who haven’t done any sports trading then WOM stands for Weight Of Money. When Betfair launched and sports trading became an easy way to make money, then using WOM was king. In fact, for a…

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  • 29 July

    Handicap ratings de-mystified…

    I hope that you got the chance to watch the Olympic opening ceremony last night. Whether you are happy to have the Olympics in London or not, I don’t think that anybody could deny that it was an incredible show. Personally I am happy to have the Olympics here. Living in London, I do find that the road closures are…

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  • 24 July

    How Official Handicap Ratings Are Made

    Why do we have handicap races and how are the handicap ratings created? Handicap races are designed around the principle that if you put weight on a horse then it will slow it down. By applying different weights to horses of different abilities, a handicap race tries to make the race as equal as possible. Theoretically, if a handicapper has…

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  • 16 July

    How To Measure Class…Differently

    Last week I wrote about understanding the classes in horse racing. It is important to understand the classes because once you understand how they work then you will be able to use this knowledge to find a profit. You can check out that article here. Today I want to look at how we can measure class differently and use this…

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  • 15 July

    Newmarket (July) 2012 – Day 3 (we made an 82% profit yesterday!)

    After struggling on the first day of Newmarket, we certainly came back with a bang yesterday. I hope that you were following us, because we made an 82% profit! That would have been £65 to £10 bets or £650 to £100 bets. In fact, there was only one race that we didn’t get the winner or place on. I am…

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  • 13 July

    Newmarket (July) 2012 – Day 3

    After a a bad start to the festival we managed to turn it around yesterday and make a superb profit. In fact we only didn’t have a winning race once! We placed 8 units in stakes and make 6.5 units profit. A return of 82%! Let’s hope that we can continue this for the final meeting of the festival. 1:40…

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  • 13 July

    Newmarket (July) 2012 – Day 2

    We are on to day two of the festival, and day one was certainly tough. The going is still soft on the ground and that is what I am going to be basing my analysis on. As with yesterday we shall be trying to take advantage of the Bet365 offer of a free bet if you have a winner of…

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  • 12 July

    Newmarket (July) 2012 – Day 1 Winners

    Okay, so the title of this article may be pretty optimistic, but I hope to get some of the winners throughout the day. The weather has not made things any easier and the going conditions at the time of writing this post are good to soft and soft. I will be writing this from the assumption that these conditions are…

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  • 10 July

    Understanding Horse Racing Classes

    Horse races in the UK fall under different classes. These classes are meant to be able to help us determine the quality of the race, and to a certain degree they do. Understanding which horses can run in certain class races can make a significant improvement to your betting, especially when I let you into a little secret, more on…

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  • 8 July

    Big race trends and going allowance uncovered inside…

    What an end to the week it has been! Changes in going have been causing some upsets across the tracks, and my article this week on the blog has proven to be published at just the right time. This weeks article is all about going allowance. Have you ever heard of that phrase before? It is something that has to…

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  • 1 July

    Sometimes you have to break the rules…[DETAILS INSIDE]

    Although technology is something that allows me to live the way that I live, it never ceases to amaze me. I am writing this weeks newsletter from a hospital. Don’t worry, I am fine, but am visiting a family member who has been in and out of hospital for the last month. It wasn’t that long ago we were told…

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  • Jun- 2012 -
    25 June

    20% ROI at Royal Ascot and lots more inside!

    Yesterday’s Royal Ascot meeting brought the live posting I have been doing into a nice profit, with a return on investment of 20% for the day. You can see how it went here. I am not able to do the live posts today as I am at a memorial service. Instead, I have already gone through the cards and you…

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  • 23 June

    Royal Ascot 2012 Day 5 Preview

    I am at a memorial service today so won’t be able to do the live post that we have done during the week. However I wanted to make sure that you had access to my reviews. As you know, the weather has made it a difficult week. I am writing this before the Friday’s racing has finished so I don’t…

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  • 20 June

    The Top Ten Horse Racing Websites [INSIDE]

    3 days until Ascot, and I am really starting to get excited now. Since not being able to get ante-post bets on of a decent size for a while, I have stopped analysing these big prized races until the morning of the race, the same as my other selections. This allows me to take advantage of any last minute changes.…

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  • 14 June

    Top Ten Horse Racing Websites

    About a year ago I wrote the first post outlining the top ten horse racing websites at the time. You can see that post at I thought that it was about time to take a new look at the top ten websites online. Times change and while some of the sites are the same, there are 4 new ones…

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  • 12 June

    Days Since Last Raced – Should you care?

    Out of all the possible factors that exist in horse racing, the one that seems to appear more in forums, systems and discussions than any other, is recent finish position. There is a common belief that this factor is crucial in determining the current physical ability of a horse. Of course, this does make logical sense. After all, if a…

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  • 10 June

    ROI vs turnover, which will you choose?

    I am writing this weeks newsletter on Friday night because I am going to a wedding tomorrow. On the blog this week the article that I wrote puts ROI against Turnover. Which of these do you use? Do you know why you use them? Are you using the right one? Find out more here. Over the last few months, we…

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