
  • Sep- 2017 -
    26 September
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, A death in the family meant I was unable to do last week’s eyecatcher article. The abandonment of last week’s Ayr Gold Cup meeting has put a bit of a hole in this weeks look back at the weekend big horse race action. That said it’s that time of the year when the flat eyecatchers are starting to…

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  • 24 September

    In-Form Fancies Shows You How to Make Profit from Horses in Excellent Form

    It is said that ‘form is temporary, but class is permanent,’ and this certainly applies in horse racing as in the full spectrum of sports. However, savvy punters know how to make hay when the sun shines and learning how to find the horses in terrific form is a key aspect of making money in the long run. For some…

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  • 19 September

    The hilarious error in Game Of Thrones

    Who saw the series of Game Of Thrones that’s just ended? If you haven’t yet, don’t worry – there are no spoilers here. Just one enormous, hilarious blooper that loads of fans have spotted. I must admit I didn’t notice until I rewound and watched this bit again. But in the background of one of the epic fight scenes in the snow-covered landscape of Westeros,…

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  • 18 September

    10 High-Quality Horse Racing Sites You Should Definitely Visit

    There are hundreds of websites with a horse racing focus and unfortunate; quite a large percentage are not worth the time of day. Rather than allowing you to waste time (and possibly money) on low-quality websites, we have comprised a short guide on some excellent sites worth visiting. We have not included ourselves because we hope you already believe we’re…

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  • 16 September

    Sat TV Trends – 16th Sept 2017

    Like all big race days, Andy Newton is on hand with the key TV trends this Saturday from Chester and Doncaster, including the William Hill St Leger Doncaster Horse Racing Trends (ITV/ATR) 1.50 – William Hill Portland Handicap Cl2 5f140y ITV 15/15 – Carried 8-12 or more 13/15 – Won over 6f before 12/15 – Had run 5 or more…

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  • 12 September
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, Defoe Has Leger Goal in Sight The final classic season of the season the St Leger is a just a few days away. The race is also the oldest of the Classics. The St Leger is the final leg of the Classic British ‘Triple Crown’ which hasn’t been won since the great Nijinsky in 1970. Sadly, these days…

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  • 11 September

    Madonna sold me doughnuts!

    Everybody who ever found great success started at the bottom of the pile. * Madonna once sold Dunkin’ Donuts. * Hugh Jackman was a party clown. * Kanye West sold jumpers as a sales assistant at Gap. * Victoria Beckham played a sperm on rollerskates in a BBC sex education film. I know it sounds like I’ve made that last one out – I promise I haven’t! What…

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  • 5 September
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    It was certainly the case of famine rather than feast on the horse racing front last week. The action won’t live long in the memory. That said a bit of famine can give you the hunger for more top class betting action and for the rest of the month it’s going to be non-stop racing. It all starts this weekend…

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  • Aug- 2017 -
    29 August
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, This week’s article focuses on the horse racing festival, the Ebor Festival. The “Royal Ascot of the North” usually delivers a great four days racing and this year was no exception. The meeting may have started with more rain than was expected but there were three drying days and by Saturday the racing was taking place on going…

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  • 24 August

    The Big Mac of Bets

    McDonald’s was started in 1937 but didn’t start becoming the global success it is today until 1965. Ray Croc, who used to sell the milkshake machines that McDonald’s used, bought the company off the family who started it in 1961, with a vision to make it the USA’s number one fast food chain. He could see that in the right…

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  • 23 August

    Survival of the fittest

    Darwin came up with the theory of Survival Of The Fittest as a way of describing the natural selection process, but it was Herbert Spencer who coined the phrase. In horse racing, the horse’s considered ‘fittest’ are usually the ones carrying the most weight. Also known as the top weighted horse in the race. A horse’s allocated weight is based…

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  • 23 August
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, By the time you read this week’s article York’s Ebor Festival will have started and with top class horse racing action in the order of the four days. EyeCatcher Pro subscribers go into the meeting with a healthy profit gained over the last month or so which is a good sign for the week. Let’s hope the good…

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  • 18 August

    More money… faster? It’s possible!

    Here’s how things normally work… You put in more effort, you get back more money. OK, not always, but you’re not working longer hours expecting to get less, are you? Well, in horse racing you can. A lot of people are wasting their time because they’re spending too long going through the selections. You don’t have to! We can show you a great way to…

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  • 9 August

    How Can You Find Success With the Van Der Wheil Method?

    Michael has written about the Van Der Wheil (VDW) method at great length in Race Advisor so instead of going over old ground, I’m going to show you how I used VDW ratings to achieve a 44% win rate with an ROI of 98%. I began with ÂŁ60 in my Betfair Exchange account and used ÂŁ10 level stakes just to…

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  • 8 August
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, As it’s the Shergar Cup this Saturday, there isn’t a big race preview in this weeks article, and in all truth, this weekend’s racing isn’t to my taste and I find this is the best time of the summer horse racing calendar to take a holiday. Goodwood Festival Reflections Two more Summer festivals have come and gone. Galway was…

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  • 5 August

    Your FREE Goodwood Smorgasmaboard

    It’s the final day of Goodwood, and we’ve got a smorgasbord of racing tips and analysis for you. The big race is at 3:35 pm and we’ve got a complete analysis and a micro system for you to use on it. Ian’s complete race preview can be read right here. At the bottom of his analysis is a tip, but…

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  • 1 August
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, Enable The Best Filly John Gosden Has  Trained Enable’s win in the Saturday’ s Group 1 King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Diamond Stakes stamped her as the middle distance horse in Europe as the three-year-old beat the older horses in decisive fashion. Granted last years winner Highland Reel, who finished 4th, didn’t like the ground and the…

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  • Jul- 2017 -
    31 July

    Do Our Strategies Actually Work?

    There’s one thing that makes the Race Advisor different to every other betting website out there. Okay, there’s more than one ;), but there’s one which stands out… Our focus is to help you learn to use and adapt, betting strategies and techniques so they work for you, with your risk levels, your bankrolls and the time you have available.…

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  • 29 July

    The Cause of 99% of Betting System Failures

    Using betting systems is probably the most popular form of finding selections. Also, amongst horse racing fans, the actual building of the systems is very popular. The only problem is that most betting systems fail to make the profits that they’ve promised to deliver. And the primary reason for this is
 backfitting. Well, that’s the name that most people use.…

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  • 25 July
    horse racing

    Weekly Eye-Catchers – Horse Racing

    Hi all, After last weeks bumper article, this one is a bit lighter on the eye catchers front. This Weeks Eyecatcher’s There are three horses that should be added to your trackers this week. I will also be adding two more on winnable handicap marks exclusively for Eyecatcher Pro subscribers Friday 21st June Hamilton Six Strings – Richard Fahey –…

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