LIVE BLOG: How to never lose a bet

At 13:30 today, we’re going to be showing you LIVE how to make risk-free profits every day from your betting. This page will begin updating at 13:30 in real-time so you can follow along and make the same risk-free profits as us.
The selections we’ll be sharing to make this work are what we provide every day for members of Betting Bounty, which you can join by clicking here.
Hi Eddie,
Really looking forward to this afternoon. I have been a member of
Betting Bounty since August 13th and have struggled to make a profit
with so many selections drifting. Luckily most have lost but when they
win I find myself in a ‘no win’ situation.
I have bet consistently with the 8 min-2 min time frame. Although I have
noticed over the past 3 month or so, nearly all races set off later than the
designated time. Would appreciate your comments.
Hi Brian,
Thanks for your comment. There are of course drifters but it’s about managing those drifters with the winners and losers. The rules are there to help people get to grips with how the service works but there is a certain “knack” when trading which you will hopefully get the gist of this afternoon 🙂
Book my place. No confirm of acceptance , Am I in or out.
Hi John,
Just turn up at 1.30 pm and I’ll start posting. You will need to refresh the page to get the latest posts 🙂
You’re in John. Bookmark this page and it will start updating live at 13:30 🙂
Interested why no reply to Brian’s comment?
Hi Martin, there will be an answer, we’re still running through the technical side of the live event. He’ll be back in a moment to answer comments.
Thanks for reply Ed,
Yes, have been trading for quite a while on soccer so understand things can
go against you. It was simply how many had drifted, example 8 of the last
10 which concerns me.
But I’m sure I will learn a lot here this afternoon.
Have tried to Login on live to place comments but it refuses to accept my password.
Which I know is correct. Annoying
Sorry about that Brian. It might be because I’m using a separate plug in to the blog
Okay will comment here after 2.10
same here, I cant log in, have tried a few times to re set my password but it’s just not happening
1.50 hay. I backed @ 4.2 and left an in running lay for the same stake @ 3.95 No loss.
A lesson learned, Eddie. Lay before the off and take the medicine.
2.10. In @ 2.1 out @ 2.02
In the 2.10 traded out @ 2.09 time foe scratch.
Once again both races the Fav has drifted. True to what
I mentione in my first post.
Once again I noticed the time lapse, horses got to post @
2.09 time so quite a while for more trading. Not sure if
the 8 minutes & 2 minutes are relevant any more. What
do you think Ed? I waited a few times until Going Behind
Yes, it does, ty. In my soccer trading i work on the principle, what ever
parameters I set myself it is important to be be consistent with them and
not chop and change.
I will treat trading BB in the same way. It will come right over time.
How do you decide which race to trade in, or is that part of your system?
I use Fairbot for my trading. Could you explain why you open up
Oddschecker when trading BB.
In regards to the 1.50 race, you backed Zest @ 4.0 and could have layed @ 3.8….which you didn’t do and eventually layed @ 4.2 for a loss if he won, my question is why didn’t you take the 3.8 lay, was it an error, did you just miss the price or did you have a pre set price in mind which was lower than 3.8?
I appreciate that. I usually use ‘Live Shows’ on Sporting Life and just
wanted to see your reason for OC’
yes am out with a profit if winning in 3.05.
Once you have made your back bet, do you enter a
Lay figure in your software, you would be happy with.
I know you made a £2 profit on the last race (and a profit is a profit after all) but if you had greened up straight after having your lay bet matched you would have made approx. £6/£7 profit which you could have done with most of the races instead of trying to win big with just the 1 horse each time, is this just your preferred way of trading or is there another reason for it?
So, are you advocating ‘greening up’ the BB selections for
profit rather than going for win on selection and scratch all
other runners.
The welcome pack stated the latter.
Or do we go whatever we feel good with?
Personally, I prefer greening up
I agree more of these live events would be fantastic, if we can learn anything new each time (and I’m sure most of us are learning) that can only be good for us as punters (or should I say traders)
Yes, I agree. I have learnt a great deal this afternoon and would appreciate
more. I am retired so trade at various times of the day.
Really appreciate your obvious amount of work you do Ed, thank you. Not
essy making profit with our four legged friends!!!
4.05 Strat In @ 1.94 out @ 1.85 before the off
Yes, small loss on that one. Couldn’t really understand why the drift.
Not a lot of money on 2ndF and Dickie had an earlier winner so thought
it would shorten quite a lot.
Great stuff, thanks for today and I personally look forward to any more events like this that you may run in the future. cheers and good luck.
I did learn to get in and out before the off as a matter of principle. So take credit for that, Eddie.
There are so many ways to make a profit. Ladbrokes sent me a £40 free bet which I turned into a risk free bet in the K 3.15. and walked away with £34 risk free. It can be done when one knows how….
Hi Eddie. I make a profit betting on horses but I’ve tried in vain to add to that success.I have struggled to find a consistent way to trade. BB proving today that it is not easy. Can you recommend your favoured way to trade that does not tie one down to hours of looking at the screen for a few pence after a few hours?
Thanks, Eddie. Understand fully. So would BB be your preferred way to trade. Looking for favourites whereby the bookmaker has a strong liability? Looking for an in out before the off, and when that doesn’t go to plan, take a small loss and move on. Knowing there is always tomorrow….
coming back to one of the first races today, Zest in the 1.50 if I remember correctly, was backed @ 4.0 and could have been layed at 3.8 thus giving a £19 profit or a break even (using a £100 stake), this of course meant that a £500 stake would have been £95 profit or break even. So I can see your point that on certain days if the luck is with you then you could be winning around £100 or breaking even. it really does depend on your stake and if your selected horse goes on to win it’s race. Decent profits can also be made by the greening up process too.
So plenty to think about.
What software are you running, Eddie?