How Often Do You Visit The Race Advisor Tipster Proofing?

We have been proofing tipster services on the Race Advisor since 2013 and have proofed over 200,000 selections. So I though it was time to check in with you and see how often you use this feature?
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Regarding Race Advisor’s Tipster Proofing – this is a model service. I know of nothing else that compares. It must require a lot of input to maintain, but is invaluable for anyone using tipster services. I wish all tipsters would subject to its scrutiny – and well done to those who do. It can be very unflattering!
What is especially useful are the different views. Most profitable services depend on the punter grabbing a value price before it disappears. A service that looks hugely profitable at advised odds performs disastrously at BSP. The value of using BOG bookies is also manifest. I have mentioned BackLucrative before as an example with a high number of bets and moderate though profitable ROI. Over 12 months to one point stakes it is +125 points at advised odds, but +240 at BOG. And at BSP it shows a 75 point loss. Lots of respect for the very few backing services that can show a profit to BSP eg Value Backing Extra.
Sadly this also tells us that profitable punters being ejected by bookie after bookie may as well give up using backing tipsters, because they are unlikely to generate much return from the exchanges. Of course making a profit on the exchanges requires a different approach, where RA has often provided guidance.
I think it is a real scandal that through their crocodile tears for gambling addiction, the big bookies can simply refuse to work with any punter who is profitable. They don’t worry about the chronic loss-makers. They promote ‘fun’ gambling but in their promotions often encourage stakes as large as £50, or push punters onto casino games where they cannot win. Their objective is a clientele of loss-making addicts, a business-model in the same league as Big Tobacco.
Thank you for the comment Geoff, it is very much appreciated. As you say, playing on Betfair is a different game and one not a lot of tipsters focus on.
Didn’t know it exists and I for one would prefer to receive an update email about such services, even daily before 11.00am would be more preferable than the occasional…”Have you seen how so and so are doing on such and such a site”
I have a habit of losing emails within my mailbox due to the number of racing emails that we all probably receive. I might “favourite” them some times but then forget about them so to get a daily email from something like Racing Advisor Tipster Proofing would be much better, especially when I didn’t know it existed in the first place
Thank you for the message Norman. What would you like to see in a daily or weekly email regarding the tipsters? The top ten, any which have been profitable in last 30 days, quarter etc…
I don’t think I knew it existed either.
Thanks for letting me know Wendy. I obviously haven’t been doing enough in terms of letting you know it exists.
I’d prefer top 10 with historical data of at least 12mths, if they are any good they need to stand the test of time,so no johnny come lately’s.
Results broken down for each code of racing, flat, all weather, jumps
Thank you for the feedback Kenny.
Michael can you tell me where I can access Blue Tavern Lays many thanks Chris..!!
I don’t think they have a website yet Chris.
If they don’t have a website how do you follow their daily selections…are they sent to you direct or can anyone access them many thanks Chris..!!
They’re sent directly to us to proof Chris.
Excellent comments from Geoff Sayer and Kenny…I ditto them. Personally I take only an occasional look. This is
because I like to plough my own furrow with input from mainly free tipsters for ideas/angles rather than committing to the tips they provide…This works best for me especially as i can only dip in and out of any day’s racing schedule because of domestic commitments.
Thank you for the feedback Josephine, it is much appreciated.
I would have liked to have an option of answering ‘Sometimes’ as I don’t visit the proofing page monthly, but ‘Never’ is a bit too harsh as I do visit it from time to time.
Thank you for the feedback Panu, it is much appreciated.