- An Irish Sport Horse is a go-to breed used for Jump racing
- A Thoroughbred Horse is the purest of breeds and they have incredible endurance
- Speaking to myracing.com, Olympian Spencer Wilton shares what he looks for in a horse
Horse racing specialists, myracing.com have launched an online asset that explores the anatomy of four different horse breeds to highlight what people should look for in a winner when betting at the races.
Equestrian performance sports date back to ancient times, from horse racing in the 12th century up until the debut of horse riding in the Summer Olympics in 1900. As history will show, mankind has had a need for horses for centuries. They were once used as a reliable method of transport and are now often found in domestic farms.
In modern day, different breeds of horse are relied upon for various disciplines such as Dressage and Jump racing.
An Irish Sport, Dutch Warmblood, Thoroughbred and Irish Draught are four breeds that are utilised across a variety of industries because of their anatomy, physical characteristics and capabilities.
James Prosser, Co-founder of My Racing said; “With an ever-expanding user base, we wanted to create an educational asset that will provide every one of our customers with the information they require to make an informed betting decision.”
But when it comes down to betting, would you be able to tell them apart? More importantly, would you know which of their attributes would make you a winner?
Equestrian sports such as Dressage that was first seen in the 20th century, require a Dutch Warmblood for success. The breed has long forearms, powerful hindquarters, and are always in harmony with their rider. Their reliable and calm nature makes them the ideal breed for Dressage.
Summer 2016 silver medalist, Spencer Wilton, competes in Dressage and has experience working with Dutch Warmbloods. When interviewed by myracing.com, Wilton said that their most important personality trait is sensitivity and that he looks for the straightness in their limbs and the way that transfers to movement.
When building a confident relationship, Wilton said that it depends on the horse. Sometimes it can be instant and other times it can take months.
For Eventing, which includes Flat racing, a Thoroughbred horse is often used. They have a great amount of endurance, long limbs and well let down hocks. The breed is also intelligent and very loyal to their rider.
Jump racing, also known as National Hunt racing is often seen on race course such as Royal Ascot. It involves a horse jumping over hurdles while taking part in a race. For this particular style of racing an Irish Sport is often used.
An Irish Sport is a cross between a Thoroughbred and an Irish Draught. The breed encompasses the characteristics of both horses, such as the Irish Draught’s jumping abilities, which makes them a strong species for the sport.
Speaking to myracing.com, eight-time champion jockey Peter Scudamore MBE, who has ridden 1,678 winning horses in his career said that he looks for bravery, athleticism and a strong jumping ability in the horses that he competes with.
In terms of physiological attributes, the most important feature that Scudamore looks for is a large and powerful heart to ensure the horse has a natural advantage over its competitors.
An Irish Draught is often used for traditional purposes such as farm work, and are known for their willing nature and taking care of their owner.
When you next attend a racing event, whether it is ladies day or at the next Olympic Games, keep your eyes peeled for each breed as they might contribute towards you receiving a big win.
To view ‘Anatomy of a Horse’, please visit: http://myracing.com/anatomy-of-a-horse/
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All well and good but how can tell what brred a horse is? How can one tell that it is an Irish Sport? And how, Mr Scudamore, can a punter tell the size of a horse’s heart?
haha spot on with these mate