I often get asked for tips from various people especially when they’re going racing or have a friend that is going. It doesn’t annoy me but it does concern me at the same time!
When replying to people who ask for the tips I always make sure that I add a disclaimer to the information I provide which is as follows –
Horse racing is a long term investment and it is almost impossible to make a profit just from the one day’s betting. The following information is about pin pointing the best horses in the best races but the logistics of racing means it is very difficult to predict the outcome especially over one day.
It depends who I’m sending it too but the general gist is always the same. I cannot be accountable to the one day, however join me over a year and I will make you a profit.
So what am I getting at here?
My wife and I started our anti natal classes the week before last as I have the absolute pleasure of being a Dad in the next six weeks. Upon arrival we were asked to name ourselves to the group and our job titles. When it came to my turn I was actually slightly anxious to announce that I was a professional gambler and tipster. You see the majority of people grimace at such a job title and almost disbelieve what one is saying.
How refreshing then that amongst the men in the room we had an odds compiler, and two other couples that were into their racing and were fully accepting of the fact that I made an honest living out of the geegeez.
And it got me thinking…..
It is now more and more acceptable to be making a living out of working in the gambling industry. There are more and more people turning their backs on city trading and high stress jobs to work from the comfort of their own homes and plying a profit from the ever evolving betting markets.
So looking at the above there is no reason why anybody can’t profit and either make a full time income from betting or at least a serious second income. Let’s look at the loopholes that we can exploit in betting that secure a long term profit.
Here’s a list of my portfolio to 1 point stakes since the beginning of this year –
Bookies offering early prices the night before – UKRN Early Bird = +21.51 points profit.
Bookies offering free bets – Betting Bounty = +£169.60p
The ability to trade on Betfair – DOBS = +54 points
General betting from Racing Dossier and Betting Speed Evolution = +42.80 points profit
So you can see by utilising the above services (I’ve not linked anything as I feel this article is for illustrative purposes only and not a selling pitch!) I have made over 11 grand to £100 stakes this year. Call it £1,100 to £10 stakes for the smaller bettor and aside of subscription costs it’s a nice boost to the bank.
So aside of the lovely people I’ve met during NCT classes ( posh anti natal classes ) and the general consensus of people it’s becoming more and more apparent that the industry that we love to be a part of is indeed a legitimate way of making money.
So jump on board people and get a portfolio of betting angles going and be a part of an industry that is more and more accepted in today’s society than it has ever been.
Eddie Lloyd