racing results

  • Feb- 2014 -
    17 February

    The Truth About Dobbing… How To Make It Pay For You In 3 Steps

    What Is Dobbing? Have you ever heard of the phrase “dobbing”? If you have, I’m about to share everything you need to know about it. If you haven’t, I’m going to take you on your first journey into a new method of betting. Like a lot of betting opportunities, dobbing became possible because of Betfair and the ability to act…

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  • 13 February

    Bet365 Review

    [review] Bet365ā€™s online presence has been established since the year 2000. Having started out in a portakabin in Stoke-on-Trent, they’ve grown to be one of the most respected and largest of the online bookmakers. During their enormous growth they’ve won several awards, including 2008ā€™s Gambling Online Magazineā€™s Bookmaker of the Year award. They offer an extensive range of markets covering…

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  • 13 February

    Reindeer Racing Championships

    I’ve spent the last few days in Tromso, Norway and I’ve got to own up to not realising how far north it actually was. This trip marked my first time inside the Arctic Circle! The reason we were there was to try and chase the Northern Lights. As expected, and similar to last year when we were in Iceland, the…

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  • 10 February

    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Regular readers of the Race Advisor will know that I spend a lot of time talking about specialisation. I’m a firm believer that if you want to see profits quickly, then you need to specialise. Finding a profit from horse racing is like a finding a solution to a very complex puzzle. The first thing we want to do when…

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  • 3 February

    The Hunt For Value

    Value is a topic that is often discussed in betting and yet seems to be the most miss-understood. This post is going to clear up any questions you may have. The first thing to approach is the question… Is it possible to make a profit without finding value? And the quick answer is… no! There is no possible way you…

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  • Jan- 2014 -
    27 January

    The Top Ten Betting Strategies

    We’ve got a lot of posts on the Race Advisor and included in them are numerous betting strategies and angles. However with nearly 500 articles it can be quite hard to find them. And so today, I’ve decided to put together a list of the top ten betting strategies/angles based on the number of views that they’ve had. So without…

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  • 13 January

    KISS – Keeping It Simple, Stupid

    You’ve probably heard the phrase KISS before. I got an email from a reader asking if I could show a method of finding contenders that was very simple. He didn’t want to get into the statistics or anything complex. Just something simple that could enhance his enjoyment of racing. This got me thinking. After all, I usually write with a…

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  • Dec- 2013 -
    30 December

    Brain Re-Arrange

    It’s only two days until 2014, I can’t believe how quickly 2013 has gone! I’m one of those people who love new year, and the reason is that I always feel like it’s a time to reflect on the year that’s just finish and create new goals for the coming year. These can be both personal and work goals. I…

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  • 23 December

    Won Last Time Out – How Important Is It Really?

    There was a discussion taking place in our members forum recently about how far back in a horses history a win is still an important factor and, with that in mind, I thought that I would take a look at how important a row of wins are in betting. Is have the last race as a winner just as important…

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  • 16 December

    A Punters Phenomenon

    Thereā€™s an interesting phenomenon amongst punters finding their own selections. Most bettors feel that they have to place a bet in every race or have a lot of action every day. Why? Do we need to have a lot of selections every day? Do we need to be able to bet in every race to make a profit? No. So…

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  • 9 December

    Finding A Profit In Chase Races

    One of the most popular articles I’ve written is about stats on the All Weather. So, since we’re now in the jumps season I thought I’d write a version for chase races! To start I’m going to look at the performance of the top three horses in the betting with data going back to 2007. When we break this down…

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  • 2 December

    Only Bet On Proven Horses

    Betting is all about assessing risk. When we bet on a horse to win we are looking at the chance it has of winning compared to the odds available and determining whether the risk is worthwhile. By placing the bet we have decided that the risk is acceptable to us. So far so good. But… Are you taking risk where…

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  • Nov- 2013 -
    25 November

    Moving Markets To Make Profits

    There is nothing new about moving markets. It’s something that’s done by many people a lot of the time, but in terms of sports betting it’s probably most commonly known to take place on Betfair by traders. When trading on a horse they may need the market to move in a particular direction in order to complete their trade. If…

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  • 13 November

    Dutching The Forecast

    Today weā€™ve got a quick and simple way to find an amazingly large amount of winners. It involves dutching which meansā€¦ Youā€™re going to have to do a bit of maths. But I promise itā€™s very simple J When betting outside of handicaps, and focussing on the top three in the betting, we can expect to find a staggering 70%…

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  • 9 November

    Multiple Bets WILL Break Your Bank!

    The bookies want us to do multiple betsā€¦ In fact theyā€˜ll do almost anything to make them more attractive than they may already appear. You know the feeling when youā€™ve picked out three winners in a row and you think ā€œif only Iā€™d done them in a treble.ā€ Fair enough, but I thought Iā€™d write about how they work, why…

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  • 4 November

    To Specialise Or Not To Specialise?

    What do you do in your day job? Are you an expert in it? The question, “To Specialise Or Not To Specialise?”, is a very important one for us bettors. It’s a question that we should all be asking ourselves. Yet, it’s a question that almost nobody does. I used to design shoes. I fell into it by mistake but…

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  • Oct- 2013 -
    28 October

    The Quick And Dirty Pace System

    Today I’ve got something very different for you… I’m going to show you how you can make profits using a free website and a pace system. Get a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable because you’re going to love this! We’re going to be looking for Lone Fast Pace races that are no longer than seven furlongs. If you’re…

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  • 24 October

    Here’s How To Do It [The Video!]

    You Can Check Out The Original Article Here Get Your Copy Of The Racing Dossier Now

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  • 21 October

    Here’s How To Do It!

    It was my wife’s birthday recently. She’s a pretty new wife, 2.5 months to be precise, although we’ve been together for coming up ten years. To celebrate we arranged for our friends to join us in a local pub for a bit of food and some quiet drinks. Quiet wasn’t exactly what happened, but I’m getting ahead of myself. There…

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  • 14 October

    Bayes Theorem In Horse Racing – Everything You Need To Know

    Today Iā€™m going to follow on from my original article about Bayes Theorem. I was excited to see that it caused quite a stir and I want to make sure that by the end of today you know exactly how to create the likelihood ratios needed to use it in racing andā€¦ ā€¦Iā€™m going to do an example with some…

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