
  • Jun- 2010 -
    9 June

    Guide To Profitable Dutching

    I believe that value is the most important part of betting. As I am sure you have heard many times, you can select as many winners as you want but if you arenā€™t getting good value in the odds then you will still lose money. I have been looking at new ways of getting good value in the odds and…

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  • 8 June

    What do the Racing Post Ability Ratings mean?

    A number of weeks ago a reader asked me what the ability ratings that are available to Racing Post members actually mean. These are usually in the form of one, two or three ticks. As so often seems to be the case with the Racing Post, when you actually try and find information on how they make their ratings through…

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  • 4 June

    Using Official Rating To Estimate Class ā€“ The Written Version

    I was asked last week if I would provide a written version of exactly what I did in the video so that the steps could be followed while the video was being watched. Today that is exactly what I have done. I used the Sporting Life website for no other reason than it is 100% free and the information is…

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  • 1 June

    Creating a Database for Racing ā€“ Part 3

    There has been a little bit of a break since I finished writing part one and part two of how to create a database for racing. Carrying on from where we left off puts us at the stage of designing the table layouts. A database is made of different tables and each table contains data. For example a Trainer table…

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  • May- 2010 -
    27 May

    Thought Patterns That Stop You Profiting From Betting

    All of us screw up from time to time: we bet with our hearts instead of our heads we click on the button without shopping around we think it’s outrageous that a team is available at such long odds so we back them without stopping to ask why (I did this once – I’d misread the kick-off time and my…

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  • 21 May

    How To Use A Horseā€™s Draw To Profit

    Earlier this week I wrote a review of Nick Mordinā€™s Winning Without Thinking. While I was re-reading the book to write the review there was a section on betting the draw and a strategy that he used. I thought that it would be a good idea to re-analyse this strategy and look at how we might be able to use…

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  • 19 May

    Testing A New System

    Guest article by Malcolm Pett from Greyhorse Bot One of my great loves is trying to figure out betting systems. Yes I know that there are people that think they donā€™t work and there are others that think they only work short term etc, etc. To be honestā€¦I sort ofā€¦donā€™t care what people think! I just like trying to find…

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  • 18 May

    Winning Without Thinking ā€“ Book Review

    Winning Without Thinking is one of Nick Mordinā€™s books and is designed as a guide to betting systems. It was a book I read very early on when I first started to take my betting seriously. With 21 chapters and just over 300 pages there is certainly a lot of information to take in. Nick Mordin has a very nice…

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  • 13 May

    The Betfair Winning Greyhound System

    Guest article written by Paul Micelli While many sports betting enthusiasts continue to make a respectable profit from laying horses, the world of greyhound racing continues to be clouded by uncertainty and inexperience. The utilisation of successful horse racing systems have worked for many years on the UKā€™s main betting exchanges but can profits actually be gleaned from greyhound racing…

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  • 7 May

    Is This Race Better For The Backer Or The Layer? ā€“ Laying

    This time last week we looked at which races may provide the backer with a better opportunity for making a profit. This week we are going to do the same for the layer. We split all the races up by classification last week to see the best place to start for the backer or the layer. The odds were also…

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  • 5 May

    Profitable Trainers In May

    Guest post by David Renham fromĀ Racing Trends This month I am looking at trainer performance in May on the flat. Trainers tend to be creatures of habit and tend to peak / trough at similar times each year. This article is based on Flat trainers in the month of May with data taken from 2004 to 2009. May sees the…

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  • 4 May

    Outright Tennis Betting ā€“ The Winning Strategy (Part Three ā€“ Understanding Form)

    Guest article written by Paul Micelli Last week we started to look at a winning strategy for betting on tennis. The first part was an introduction into how we were going to find winners and the second part looked at the draw. The third part of the Outright Tennis Betting Winning Strategy takes a look at the one major influencing…

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  • 3 May

    Building Your Own Racing Database ā€“ Part 2

    Last week we started looking at the process of building your own horse racing database. While I am focussing on horse racing, this guide could be easily modified to help you build any kind of sports betting database. By now you will have decided exactly how you want to use your database and what information you will need to extract…

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  • Apr- 2010 -
    30 April

    Is This Race Better For The Backer Or The Layer?

    Which races are better for the backer or layer is a question that I have been asked many times. It is time that we start to de-mystify this question and look at some of the statistical facts behind which race types may provide better opportunities for the backer and the layer. I have limited the horses that I am looking…

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  • 27 April

    Building Your Own Racing Database ā€“ Part 1

    I have had a lot of requests from readers who are interested in building their own database and are not sure how to go about it. In response to these requests I am going to write a series of articles outlining the process that I used to design and build my database. This is by no means the best way…

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  • 23 April

    The Effect Of Headgear On Horses

    There are a lot of differing opinions about whether the use of headgear affects a racehorse for the better or for the worse. In this article I am looking to uncover some statistics that will begin to make this clearer. To start it is important that we get an initial overview of how runners with headgear perform in general. Runners…

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  • 19 April

    The Monthly Book Review ā€“ Braddockā€™s Complete Guide

    This is going to be a new feature at the Race Advisor. I have an arsenal of racing literature, some excellent and some not so good. There is always more to read and as you may have guessed I like to read as much as I can. If I can get even the beginning of an idea from a book…

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  • 15 April

    Trainers With 2 Runners In A Race – The Profitable Angle

    Guest post by David Renham fromĀ Racing Trends One dilemma that faces punters from time to time is when a trainer runs two or more runners in a race. Do you take the obvious option and back the shortest priced runner? Or do you look for some ā€˜perceived valueā€™ by backing the outsider of the pair? Whatever you decide I would…

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  • 14 April

    A Review Of The Reviewers

    Today I would like to get your opinions. There are many betting system sellers and there are also many websites who test these systems. It is of course important to have people testing and reviewing the systems but who they are and is their opinion worth listening to? As far as I know there has never been a review of…

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  • 13 April

    The Truth About Purchased Betting Systems

    Some of our loyal readers have got in touch and said that I should write a little bit about betting systems. When they first began to bet they started with systems. A lot of these systems failed and the few that worked then began to fail just a few months later! What is the truth about using purchased betting systems?…

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