I’ve been asked if I will speak at a small betting event in March. After a lot of thought, I decided to say yes.
If you’d like to pop along, I’ll let you know when the tickets become available.
For this talk, I’m going to be giving an overview of betting, and how to become successful at it.
Obviously, my focus will be horse racing, but I’ll be speaking about general betting principles as well.
The basis for my talk is going to be about going from no horse racing knowledge to profitable bettor.
Kinda like what I wrote about in The Really Useful Betting Book.
We’ll look at the mindset you need, the best staking plan, how to get started with one hundred pounds, and we’ll even go into some strategies and techniques 🙂
Honestly… I’m nervous and looking forward to it in equal quantities!
If you’ve not yet read The Really Useful Betting Book, then you can get it here at an 89% discount.
All the best,
Michael and the Race Advisor
What’s the event / where can one get a ticket? Sounds decent
Hey Tim, it’s going to be in Gatwick. Tickets aren’t available yet, but I’ll let you know when they are.