LIVE BLOG: Risk-Free Betting

At 13:30 today, we’re going to be showing you LIVE how to make risk-free profits every day from your betting. This page will begin updating at 13:30 in real-time so you can follow along and make the same risk-free profits as us.
The selections we’ll be sharing to make this work are what we provide every day for members of Betting Bounty, which you can join by clicking here.
Any pic of the trade out please for transparency
Hi Gary,
I have added a few pics for you 🙂
I am a new member of betting bounty in it you say you will make more money in the long term by not cashing out is there any stats to say how percent more i let master of finance run and made £7
Hi Paul,
It’s generally only on a Saturday that I hedge out as it’s very competitive racing. During the week I tend to let them run. It’s a gut reaction as well. I always watch the selection in-running and then trade out for a small profit if it looks like the horse won’t be winning.
I will see if I can find some stats from my records and let you know 🙂