
Betting System Testing Results

Guest article written by the Betting System Guru!

Each month we shall be bringing you the latest updates from the systems that we are testing. All the figures quoted below cover the period July 5th to July 18th inclusive.

Betfair Pirate – Reviewer Sgt Marc

Not a good period for the service with 10 losing days out of 14 and a loss of 38.65 points, with

4 days in particular doing the damage. Let’s see if it can put this bad spell behind and get back

on track again in the remaining period of the review.

48 Days of testing

150 point Starting Bank

122.15 point Current Bank

P/L This Period – 38.65 points

P/L Total – 27.85 points

Champion Lays – Reviewer Sgt Philip

At one time it looked as if the review would come to an end as the free trial had expired but The Commissioner managed to get an extension so Champion Lays will have a minimum of 56 days review. The service had 7 selections of which 2 were losing lays for the service resulting in a loss of 189.40 pounds.

26 Days of testing

£2000 Starting Bank

£1946.60 Current Bank

P/L This Period -£189.40

P/L Total – £53.40

Combination System -Reviewer Sgt Tommy

The system had 11 selections during the 2 week period and despite 8 of these losing it still

managed a small profit of 1.06 points. It will be interesting to see if Sgt Tommy continues with

the review after the 56 day stage.

52 Days of testing

70 point Starting Bank

73.35 point Current Bank

P/L This Period +1.06 points

P/L Total +3.35 points

Football Bets– Reviewer Sgt Tommy

After a positive start, especially by 99 Reds, things have gone downhill slightly in the last two

weeks with both services making a loss. Betting Lay Club only made a slight loss of 0.85

points but 99 Reds suffered a loss of 4.69 points. Let’s see if the two services can get back to

profitable ways in the forthcoming weeks.

18 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

BettingLayClub 100.69 point Current Bank

99 Reds 99.65 point Current Bank

P/L BettingLayClub This Period -0.85 points

P/L BettingLayClub Total +0.69 points

P/L 99 Reds This Period- 4.69 point

P/L 99 Reds Total -0.35 points

Football Bets Direct – Reviewer Sgt Philip

Just the one bet which was a winning one for the service so a profit of 2.55 points was gained

during the last two week period. Now Sgt Philip posted a comment on the 11th of July informing that sadly, the author had suffered a heart attack whilst on holiday and it maybe sometime before he receives any more selections.

11 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

123.02 point Current Bank

P/L This Period +2.55 points

P/L Total +23.02 points

Football Betting Master– Reviewer Sgt Tommy

7 selections were given between Days 44 to 59 and 5 of these won resulting in a profit of 76.50

points for the period.

59 Days of testing

1000 point Starting Bank

1167.50 point Current Bank

P/L This Period +76.50 points

P/L Total +167.50 points

Golden Key Method 2– Reviewer Sgt Dave

Things have slowed down a little for GKM2 with only 8 winning days out of 14. Of the 6

losing days, one came in at 11.15 points and another at 8.50. But the losses were covered by an

11.82 and a 10.54 point wins and overall during the fortnight the method managed a profit of

15.57 points.

45 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

191.86 point Current Bank

P/L This Period +15.57 points

P/L Total +91.86 points

Horse Betting Professor – Reviewer Sgt Rob

Sgt Rob’s last posting was on July 13th and he made an amendment to the exotic bets as he

spotted an error in his calculations, so the sum of $288 was added to the Cumulative total.

Now the positions are reversed because Each Way bets suffered another $120 loss and are way

behind the exotic bets.

33 Days of testing

$1000 Starting Bank

$760.50 Each Way Current Bank

$988.70 Exotic Current Bank

P/L Each Way This Period  -$120.20

P/L Each Way Total -$239.50

P/L Exotic This Period +$180.70

P/L Exotic Total -$11.30

Laying Odds On Favourites – Reviewer Sgt Dave

No selections for Days 83 and 84 so profits remain the same.

84 Days of testing

1000 point Starting Bank

1265.50 points Level Stakes Current Bank

1223.81 points 5% Liability Current Bank

P/L This Period Level Stakes 0.00

P/L Total Level Stakes +265.50

P/L This Period 5% Liability 0.00

P/L Total 5% Liability +223.81

On Course For Profits – Reviewer Sgt Thomas

The system had two non-betting days, eight losing days and four winning ones during the last 14 days and recorded a profit of 23.87 points. This was mainly due to Day 35 when it made 30.25 points profit. This system is doing well so let’s see if it can maintain this momentum during the remainder of the review.

37 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

141.09 point Current Bank

P/L This Period +23.87points

P/L Total +41.09 points

Pin Point Lays – Reviewer Sgt Dave

For the last week of the review all three services made a profit of some kind, with Banker Lays making a profit and Bullet Lays almost breaking even during the 84 day period. Low Lays were well down at one stage but managed to stage a recovery, nearly restoring its betting bank. The service operator implemented changes just before Day 56 and the last four weeks have shown substantial improvement.

84 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

94.44 point Current Bank Low Lays Level Stakes

94.51 point Current Bank Low Lays 5% Liability

104.82 point Current Bank Banker Lays Level Stakes

107.01 point Current Bank Banker Lays 5% Liability

99.52 point Current Bank Bullet Lays Level Stakes

96.93 point Current Bank Bullet Lays 5% Liability

P/L Low Lays Level Stakes This Period +2.85

P/L Low Lays Level Stakes Total -5.56

P/L Low Lays 5% Liability This Period +5.09

P/L Low Lays 5% Liability Total -5.49

P/L Banker Lays Level Stakes This Period +2.85

P/L Banker Lays Level Stakes Total +4.82

P/L Banker Lays 5% Liability This Period +5.76

P/L Banker Lays 5% Liability Total +7.01

P/L Bullet Lays Level Stakes This Period +0.95

P/L Bullet Lays Level Stakes Total -0.48

P/L Bullet Lays 5% Liability This Period +4.85

P/L Bullet Lays 5% Liability Total -3.07

Planet Horseracing– Reviewer Sgt Tony

This service provided another 6 selections in the last 14 days and all were winning lays. Since the start of the review it has a perfect 7 from 7. For the last 14 days the profit made was £228, an impressive start for this service although it is early days, so let’s see what unfolds.

18 Days of testing

£2000 Starting Bank

£2266.00 Current Bank

P/L This Period +£228.00

P/L Total +£266.00

Profit From Systems -Reviewer Sgt Gerald

This seems to be going the same way as Follow the Fortunes, with the lay part making

profit whilst the backing part drags its heels. For the period of Day 25 to Day 39, the lays

produced a profit of 13.25 points and the backs one showed a loss of 27.76 points

39 Days of testing

1000 point Starting Bank

915.13 point Backs Current Bank

1041.92 point Lays Current Bank

P/L Backs This Period -27.76

P/L Backs Total -84.87

P/L Lays This Period +13.25

P/L Lays Total +41.92

The Pointer Software -Reviewer Sgt Brendan

After a bright start we seem to be treading water. All we have to show for Day 29 to

Day 44 is plus 0.28 points for ISP and 0.45 points to BFSP. In fact the software reached a peak

on Day 24 with ISP at 26.03 and BFSP at 28.00 and has steadily declined since then. Hopefully it

will pick up the momentum again with only 12 days left to the 8 week stage.

44 Days of testing

100 point Starting Bank

118.31 point Current Bank

120.45 point Current Bank

P/L ISP This Period +0.28

P/L ISP Total +18.31

P/L BSP This Period +0.45

P/L BSP Total +20.45

The Betting System Guru runs the Betting System Truths website where a team of 18+ reviewers put betting systems through their paces over two – three months of testing. All the tested systems are given a final review before being star rated.

Michael Wilding

Michael started the Race Advisor in 2009 to help bettors become long-term profitable. After writing hundreds of articles I started to build software that contained my personal ratings. The Race Advisor has more factors for UK horse racing than any other site, and we pride ourselves on creating tools and strategies that are unique, and allow you to make a long-term profit without the need for tipsters. You can also check out my personal blog or my personal Instagram account.
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