4 Steps For Winners This Winter

Can you imagine what it would be like to uncover hidden treasures?
Heck, for all I know that may be your job.
In which case, you have an awesome job!
For me, finding hidden treasures in horse racing data is just as exciting.
But it’s damn hard. Which I’m sure you’ll know.
That’s why I built a special piece of software specifically designed to allow me to do it!
It’s not publically available, but I thought today I’d share with you a couple of the nuggets I’ve found.
A couple of tips, to help you in what are some of the hardest racing conditions in the UK.
These conditions are:
* National Hunt Hurdle
* Soft to Heavy ground conditions
Around this time of year, and going into the New Year, we’re going to see more and more of these conditions.
So what works for them?
Here’s a few things to help you narrow down your selections…
1) Horses with odds of more than 27/1 are not worth betting on. They do win, but so rarely you would need a vast bankroll to sustain it. Most people would drain their bankroll waiting for the big win.
2) If your horse hasn’t won a race in the last eleven days, they’re significantly less likely to be able to compete in the current race.
3) Horses not wearing headgear perform much better on these conditions. In fact, they perform 53% better than the average runner.
4) Look for the horses with form that’s in the top three to five runners in the race. Stay away from the top two form horses, yes they win, but it’s nearly impossible to make any decent profits from them because everybody’s betting on them!
Use these four steps to narrow down the field, or use them to determine whether you want to bet on selections that you’ve found using another system or process.
Either way, these will help to decrease your losing bets and increase your profits.
All the best,
Michael and the Race Advisor team
P.S. If you want access to state of the art betting software, the kind that analyses hundreds of factors every race, determines the best ones to predict the outcome, and then scores each horse so you know instantly the strongest runners in the race…
…then you’re going to want to get access to Profit Recall!