When Stats Align Review

Product Name: When Stats Align
Author: Paul Cundell
Contact Details: selections@whenstatsalign.com
Price: £27.99 per month
Money Back Guarantee: 60 Days
What Do You Get? Horse racing betting selections
Where To Buy: http://www.raceadvisor.co.uk/s/whenstatsalign/
Brief Summary: When Stats Align is a horse racing advisory service that provides an average of six bets per day at average odds of 12/1.
How Much Money Do I Need To Get Started? A 200 point bankroll is recommended and staking is 1 unit to win and 1 unit to place on every bet.
How Much Money Can I Make? The service has averaged 84.34 units profit to Betfair SP since December 2013.
How Much Time Will I Need To Make This Work? Five to ten minutes per day.
Will I Need Any Equipment To Do This? Betfair account and ability to place bets.
On the 1st Decemebr 2013 we began proofing the When Stats Align service. In that time there have been 899 qualifying selections. The selections are usually sent the day before racing and bets are placed to Betfair SP meaning you can have your bets placed the night before racing!
There are bets every day and the recommended staking plan is to have a bankroll of 200 units. The stakes are 1 unit to win and 1 unit to place on each selection. The tipster recommends you place your bets to Betfair SP and our proofing has shown that you must place your bets to Betfair SP in order to make a profit.
The results in this review are based on the advised staking and Betfair SP odds as recommended by When Stats Align at the time of publication. We will continue to proof When Stats Align results here and shall also consider the current results to other odds and staking at the end of the review.
Over our period of proofing this service has achieved a 29% strike rate, which is very high and means that losing streaks are kept to a minimum. This is primarily due to the betting on the place market as well as the win market.
The biggest drawdown that we have seen in the five months of proofing is 96.19 units. Based on the recommended 200 unit bankroll this represents 48% of the bankroll leaving over half still left to bet with.
There is an overall PIV (Pool Impact Value) of 1.90 which means that these selections win 90% more often than their odds would suggest and this means that there is value to be found in these bets.
Having run our own risk estimation on these selections, we determined that a suitable bankroll for them would be 170 units. With the tipster suggesting a 200 unit bankroll this indicates he knows what he’s doing and prefers to have an extra safety barrier in his bankroll. This gives extra confidence in the provider of the selections.
Of course, the big question that you’ve been waiting to hear is…
Does this service make a profit?
In the five months of proofing leading up to this review, the service has made a profit of 84.34 units to Betfair SP (after commission). This is a 4.70% return on investment (ROI).
There has only been two losing months out of our five in proofing as you can see in the table below
Month | Profit |
Dec | -1.94 |
Jan | 75.59 |
Feb | 34.52 |
Mar | -39.40 |
Apr | 15.57 |
That’s an average of 16.87 units profit per month and 60% of the months have been profitable.
These selections do require that you place your odds to Betfair SP as they make a loss at the industry SP. While the ROI is lower than other services, this is partly due to the fact that the service has a high turnover of selections.
The biggest benefit of this service is that you can place your selections the night before racing. This means that you don’t have to worry about anything on the day of racing. When Stats Align is one of the only services that we’ve seen who provide their selections the day before racing and this could also mean that you may be able to take advantage of early prices and Best Odds Guaranteed with some bookmakers. However, we haven’t specifically tested this to see if it would be more profitable than betting at Betfair SP.
When you join When Stats Align you’ll get access to the members area and the selections will also be sent by email every night before the next days racing. At the time of writing the selections have always been sent in plenty of time. However, they are also available in the members area if you prefer to check for them there instead.
The monthly service costs £27.99+VAT for a total of £33.59. Over our five month proofing period this means the service would have cost £167.95.
With a profit of 84.34 units you would have had to be betting a minimum of £2 stakes in order to cover the cost of the service. We consider the minimum profit you should be making from a tipping service as £100 per month and, to do this with When Stats Align, you would need to be betting with stakes of £7.92. As bets are two units per bet this would mean staking £15.84 per bet.
At £27.99 this service comes in as one of the cheaper tipsters that we proof and has been priced to make sure that you can still make a decent profit with an average stake size.
The results during our proofing period are below:
During our proofing period When Stats Align has shown a profit to Betfair SP, you must place your bets on Betfair in order to make this profit.
With an average of six selections a day it takes between five and ten minutes to place your bets. While the ROI is lower than other services, the higher turnover of selections helps to compensates for this. You would need to be placing bets of £15.84 in order to make an average profit of £100 per month after the cost of the service. It has been priced to allow it’s members to both make a profit whilst covering the cost of the service to a reasonable average stake.
A big benefit of this service is having selections being able to place your bets the night before racing.
We will continue to proof this services selections here, but based on the results during this proofing period, When Stats Align is recommended by the Race Advisor.[review]