Two FREE issues of SmartSigger

How’s your year been?
If it’s been a good one, it’s about to get even better.
And if it’s been a bad one, here’s something to perk you up…
We’re doing a sensational offer on SmartSigger to round off 2017.
If you sign up to racing’s No1 magazine, not only will you be giving your betting the BEST possible start.
But you’ll be getting three incredible magazines for the price of one.
>> Join today and we’ll send you January’s issue in two days time.
>> But we’ll also send you December’s issue right away.
>> Plus, we’ll also send you November’s issue right away, too.
So you’ll be buying one great magazine.
And getting TWO FREE.
What could be better than that?
It’s the perfect opportunity to make sure your betting year starts on the right foot.
By reading the magazine that betting pros read every month.
And which is full of simple, insightful advice to be a better bettors.
From killer stats, trends and statistics on the month’s big races.
To systems that will leave the bookies open-mouthed as you cash in.
Plus, advice from some of the most successful betting pros in the game.
Join the big league – and start making big money from your betting.
Click HERE to sign up to SmartSigger and get TWO FREE ISSUES right away.
Your January one will arrive just in time for you to capitalise in the New Year.
All the best,
The Race Advisor