Top Secret Tips Review

Product Name: Top Secret Tips
Author: Tipster Warehouse
Contact Details:
Price: £1 for 7 day trial then £29.95 per month or £59.95 quarterly (plus VAT)
Money Back Guarantee: 60 Day Unconditional (Clickbank)
What Do You Get? Email based horse race win tipping service
Where To Buy:
Brief Summary: Top Secret Tips from Tipster Warehouse normally offers 1 or 2 bets (sent between
10 and 11am) each day and has a historic strike rate of 37% at average odds 3.59.
How Much Money Do I Need To Get Started? Betting bank of 100 points is recommended with 2
point staking per bet
How Much Money Can I Make? The site claims £1380 since August 2013
How Much Time Will I Need To Make This Work? A few minutes a day when the tips are received
Will I Need Any Equipment To Do This? Internet connection and Bookmaker accounts
The tipster supplies 1pt win selections to advised odds. During the trial from Jan 1st to June 30th the biggest drawdown was 11 points, which coincided with an 11 bet losing streak, from Jun 19 to Jun 22.
This suggests that a bank of only 25 points would be sufficient to run this service. The website suggests a 100 point bank and 2 points per bet, which in effect is a 50 point bank and shows a conservative understanding of the profitability and reliability of the service.
The service has a Pool Impact Value of 1.2 which indicates that the selections win 20% more than the advised odds suggest. Therefore there is value to be found in these selections, which is confirmed by the profit made in the trial period.
So, the big question is….
Does this service make a profit?
And the answer is Yes.
Over the six month period we’ve proofed, up to the writing of this review, the service made 38 points profit.
Whilst on the face of it this is hardly outstanding, a better perspective is seen when you realise that the service hit 93 winners from 225 selections (after non runners) which is an impressive 41% strike rate.
Similarly, 38 points profit from 225 points staked is a ROI of 17%, which is akin to interest rates of the early 90’s.
Furthermore, I’m an ardent believer that a successful selection system will still be profitable at flat stakes to BSP and indeed a profit of 22 points would have been achieved over the same six month period under that criteria.
So would I recommend this service?
Based on the trial period alone, I can see no reason not to recommend this service. If, on Jan 1st, you had started with a 100 points bank of £2100 and thus staked £21 a point. By June 30th you would have covered your subscription and made £100 for every month you had been subscribed.
On the face of it, £21 a point seems high, however with a maximum draw down experienced of 11 points your betting bank would never be seriously at risk. And, although I would normally prefer a smaller staking level, the advantages of 1 or 2 bets a day and a 41% strike rate means that you’d only be betting £20 to £40 a day and on average would have a winner almost every other day.