You think you’ve got problems!

I went to see Dunkirk at the cinema last night, and what an incredible film.
It’s films like that which really get me thinking, and that’s the point of them. They help to put things into perspective.
Captain William Tennant managed to organise the evacuation of 338,226 men over a ten day period.
And it couldn’t have been done without all the folk back in the UK who had boats and sailed over to Dunkirk to help with the evacuation.
This only happened 77 years ago, and it makes me think that when I’m having problems… I don’t really know what a problem is!
Which is why we’ve decided to do something special for you today.
We want to help you remove one of the problems you may be facing. On the scale of Dunkirk it’s barely a wisp in the wind, but nevertheless, we hope it’s a contribution.
Yesterday we received this email:
“Thanks, Michael… and thank John Burke for his advice on the Ebor…
I took on board what he was saying and backed Nakeeta 12/1- Chicken Dinner!”
This comes from the man behind EyeCatchers Pro.
The man who has made +284 units (£7100 at £25 stakes) since his service began.
The man who has won 23% of all his bets.
The man who has made his members a 25% ROI.
This is the type of proofing graph that most folk dream of.
Heck, in the last 90 days he’s made +50.20 units profit to Betfair SP!
And for the next 48 hours, you can get your first 14 days access for just £1.
That’s the same as £0.07p per day.
TBH John didn’t want to offer this, and I don’t blame him, he spends hours every week watching every single race so he knows which horses to follow and under what conditions.
So it probably won’t happen again for a while.
Which is why I recommend you take advantage of this offer immediately.
The link above will take you to the special order form where you can join for £1.
If you’d like to get more details about EyeCatchers Pro, then you can do that here.
But THIS is the link you need to use if you want to take advantage of this offer.
And it will stop working in 48 hours.
All the best,
The Race Advisor