racing today

  • Jan- 2014 -
    13 January

    KISS – Keeping It Simple, Stupid

    You’ve probably heard the phrase KISS before. I got an email from a reader asking if I could show a method of finding contenders that was very simple. He didn’t want to get into the statistics or anything complex. Just something simple that could enhance his enjoyment of racing. This got me thinking. After all, I usually write with a…

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  • Dec- 2013 -
    30 December

    Brain Re-Arrange

    It’s only two days until 2014, I can’t believe how quickly 2013 has gone! I’m one of those people who love new year, and the reason is that I always feel like it’s a time to reflect on the year that’s just finish and create new goals for the coming year. These can be both personal and work goals. I…

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  • Nov- 2013 -
    25 November

    Moving Markets To Make Profits

    There is nothing new about moving markets. It’s something that’s done by many people a lot of the time, but in terms of sports betting it’s probably most commonly known to take place on Betfair by traders. When trading on a horse they may need the market to move in a particular direction in order to complete their trade. If…

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  • 13 November

    Dutching The Forecast

    Today we’ve got a quick and simple way to find an amazingly large amount of winners. It involves dutching which means… You’re going to have to do a bit of maths. But I promise it’s very simple J When betting outside of handicaps, and focussing on the top three in the betting, we can expect to find a staggering 70%…

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  • 9 November

    Multiple Bets WILL Break Your Bank!

    The bookies want us to do multiple bets… In fact they‘ll do almost anything to make them more attractive than they may already appear. You know the feeling when you’ve picked out three winners in a row and you think “if only I’d done them in a treble.” Fair enough, but I thought I’d write about how they work, why…

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  • 4 November

    To Specialise Or Not To Specialise?

    What do you do in your day job? Are you an expert in it? The question, “To Specialise Or Not To Specialise?”, is a very important one for us bettors. It’s a question that we should all be asking ourselves. Yet, it’s a question that almost nobody does. I used to design shoes. I fell into it by mistake but…

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  • Oct- 2013 -
    24 October

    Here’s How To Do It [The Video!]

    You Can Check Out The Original Article Here Get Your Copy Of The Racing Dossier Now

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  • 21 October

    Here’s How To Do It!

    It was my wife’s birthday recently. She’s a pretty new wife, 2.5 months to be precise, although we’ve been together for coming up ten years. To celebrate we arranged for our friends to join us in a local pub for a bit of food and some quiet drinks. Quiet wasn’t exactly what happened, but I’m getting ahead of myself. There…

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  • 14 October

    Bayes Theorem In Horse Racing – Everything You Need To Know

    Today I’m going to follow on from my original article about Bayes Theorem. I was excited to see that it caused quite a stir and I want to make sure that by the end of today you know exactly how to create the likelihood ratios needed to use it in racing and… …I’m going to do an example with some…

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  • 3 October

    One Electric Saw, One Sofa = Improved Betting

    At last my back is starting to ease up a bit. Of course it could be the painkillers, but I prefer to think that it’s easing up 🙂 We’re having a new sofa delivered today and we had to get the two old ones out of our flat. The first one had already been removed by myself… there’s suspicion that…

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  • Sep- 2013 -
    30 September

    Bayes Theorem in Horse Racing – A Beginners Guide

    We see discussed many different types of betting strategies and a systems, including on this blog. But rarely do we see discussed how the big bettors build their models and how betting teams develop their odds lines. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is that there are only a few people who actually know, and the…

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  • 9 September

    Pedigree Handicapping – What is it?

    There isn’t a day that goes past that an email doesn’t hit your inbox purporting to have a brand new incredible technique for making a fortune from horse racing. The truth is that there is very little which is totally new. There are new techniques, angles and methods but these are most often based on old techniques that have been…

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  • 2 September

    Pace Analysis Part 3 – Pace Ratings

    Following my last two articles: Pace Analysis Pace Analysis Part 2 – Track Pace Bias I’m going to finish of this mini-series on pace today by looking at how we can create pace ratings. The previous two articles looked at how we can find selections from races by using pace and how we can determine if the bias on the…

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  • Aug- 2013 -
    26 August

    Pace Analysis Part 2 – Track Pace Bias

    Following on from my last article about pace analysis, today we’re going to look at how we can use track pace bias to determine whether or not a horse should be a selection or not. This is an advanced method of handicapping which most people don’t use, which means that it can give us an excellent edge in our betting.…

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  • Jul- 2013 -
    22 July

    What Type Of Bettor Are You?

    Something that most people don’t do, in regards to their betting, is to classify what type of bettor they are and what type of bettor they want to become. Doing this will enable you to not only make more profits, but to also enjoy the sport of horse racing a lot more. We can group bettors in to main categories:…

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  • Jun- 2013 -
    17 June

    Make Money From Monte Carlo

    I’m not talking about the place, I’m talking about the method. You may not have heard of this phrase before, and if you haven’t then you would be easily forgiven. It’s usually only talked about by geeks with statistical degrees. But when it comes to betting, we should listen to them and this method can be very powerful when employed…

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  • 10 June

    Racing Post Betting Forecast – Should You Trust It?

    Today I am writing about something a little bit different. This article has come about from a number of emails that I’ve received recently from punters who are using betting systems that use the Racing Post Betting Forecast. Have you ever used it? The chances are you probably have, after all it is used in a lot of systems. But,…

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  • May- 2013 -
    27 May

    From Betting System To Analysis

    I’ve got something different for you today. This is something I was inspired to write about after a pro-betting friend of mine was talking about how he uses this approach to find his selections. It is actually something that I used to do as well before moving to database handicapping. The approach I am about to share with you is…

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  • 20 May

    Maintaining Emotional Control With Your Betting

    We all get those bad days in our betting. It doesn’t matter how successful you are, it is part and parcel of the nature of the business. Like any trader there are swings and these can last from a few days to a few months. Within those swings we get bad days and good days. Sometimes, we get runs of…

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  • 13 May

    Using Betting Team Knowledge In Your Own Betting

    I wanted to write about something a bit different today. How betting teams work. A betting team is a business that is setup with the sole purpose of making profits from betting. The most famous in the UK is probably the Veitch team and in the world Bill Benter (was based in Hong Kong)  is probably the best known. There…

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