Stop At A Winner Bot – Walk Through Review

(I have heard back from Steve and Michael and they are looking at getting the strategies into a separate guide and adding risk levels for them)
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Following the above video we ran the software and achieved the following results:
5th May +11.59
6th May +9.37
7th May +13.73
8th May -0.07
9th May +10.00
10th May +0.64
11th May +8.79
12th May +9.16
13th May +15.19
14th May -10.99
15th May -2.69
16th May +25.91
17th May +6.27
18th May +3.12
A total profit of 100.02 units in two weeks!
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Hi Michael
Great video and i think a definite benefit to potential customers. It would be good to hear about the banksize and risk levels for the strategies within this product to. Steve has so many products for me the problem is which one to choose. Your video has certainly helped to understand this particular one. Perhaps it would be of benefit to your members to do a video on your top 5 services you would recommend based on your proofing over a 12 month period
Many thanks
Thank you for the comment James. I sent an email to Michael last night asking if it would be possible to put the strategies in a separate guide with risk and bankroll levels. I will certainly be looking at doing walk-through reviews of the tipping services we proof as well 🙂
Hi Michael,
Great video. Actually if you read through more carefully you will see suggested bank amounts.
For your info, I have in the past dealt with Steve Davidson. We used to Skype each other.
I used another of his products which does work. However I had to pack it in because the product
I was using required far to many betting accounts, which was impossible to keep up with.
He’s a good guy and his products work. He is also very good at responding. This needs more home work
for me to get my head around it. But very likely I’m a buyer.
Thanks again for your info.
This will be well worth checking out.
Hi Daniel, thank you for the message. I went through the strategies again and I can definitely see stop loss settings, but couldn’t see any bankroll requirements. I could well be missing something on there, can you point me to where it shows them?
As you say, in my experience Steve is very good at responding to questions as is Michael (the developer).
An excellent review. Thank-you for taking the time. I much appreciate the assessment. It has given me useful food for thought.
Thank you 🙂
Hi I have bought this am using it now. Unlucky for me it hit a stop loss on the second day! However It did recover almost to break even and then hit another stop loss, so at the moment I am recovering again. I like the software and will continue to use it. The Ratio setting is very very important.
Great to hear from you Graham, thanks for the info 🙂
Hi Michael. Nice video, It would have been nice to know how you are actually getting on, winning or losing. I have used loss recovery betting software from Steve Davidson before and blew an entire large betting bank over a couple of days. Loss recovery = chasing losses which I have learned the hard way not to do. Good presentation though.
Thank you for the feedback Christopher.
so have you tried the brimardon service
I haven’t Peter, we did contact them a while back regarding proofing their selections but they didn’t want to.
hello michael i see that you have replied to my other email also towards which you state that you look out for the handicappers mistakes etc , well the handicapper does not make mistakes ? does he ? because i am sure you have heard of the so called thrown in comments with regards to a so called good thing etc > but more often than not they lose be it the grand national or the lincoln etc , but ! recently i have discovered something of interest which you maybe interested with providing you do not publish such ? eg they say an artist only paints what he sees so that also relates to handicapping does it not ?
so on sunday i looked at the 4-10 at leopardstown and what i have discovered picked the first and second out of 4 possibles ? it also picked the 25/1 winner in the following 4-40 out of 5 possibles ? on monday in the 4-25 at doncaster it picked the first and second out of 2 possibles ? now i dont think that just happened by mistake do you ? i have also looked at other races and such seems to be nothing unusual in the better handicaps eg class 4 and above , i have been studying online roulette c/o supercasino this past year and felt i needed a break from it so i had a look at the horses for a change and what i have discovered is worthy of a second look but my days of programming ended with the amstrad years , but it seems you are on the ball with spreadsheets etc . so providing you dont publish such and keep me in the know i could send you towards as above ? should you be interested please email me at in confidence as i believe it can be developed much better ? and i also believe it is a once in a lifetime opportunity ?
I’m happy to take a look privately Peter. Please use the contact form at to get in touch.
Hi Michael,
Great video, very informative, please keep up the good work, this type of information takes away a lot of the pain when trying to find a good product that actually works.
I have been using a similar system of my own for a while now with varying amounts of success and I was wondering how it could be automated, this could be the answer !! Many Thanks again for your review.
Thank you very much for the comment Chris 🙂
I would not normally look at anything that puts bets on for me i like to be in control, but this has got me reading i would like to see some more of this.
Thanks Roy, I will certainly be making some more.
Recovery staking is a recipe for disaster. If a betting strategy doesn’t make a profit using level stakes (and this never will) then forget it.
Hi Michael, This is excellent an excellent idea of yours presenting these vidios and appreciate your time. Being retired and on a limited income I have been hoping to supplement some way. A little bit worried as this recovery plan seems to require large amounts waiting for the favorite to win especially as Betfair’s minimum is £2. It would be ideal if one could start up small and the increase staking on profits received
Thank you very much for the comment and feedback. You can start below Betfair minimum with this bot but you are right in that you do need to wait for the favourite to win.
A great video review well presented – for me the thing lacking was the results achieved. That was rectified when I received an email from you yesterday with a result of 78.4 “units” of profit in a 9 day period. From my own results I assume you have a 2 unit profit target per cycle as my result was only half yours using a £1 profit target. Also I had a stop loss hit (100 units loss) a few days before your 9 day period so I am only just over break even for May to date.
I am still undecided about this one as I cannot yet see where the edge is BUT I am encouraged by the fact that you seem to hold it in high regard so I will continue following with some optimism.
Thanks for the comment. Yes you’ve got the settings I’m using exactly.
The key thing for me when using this software will be to start small and repay my bankroll as fast as possible.
As I’ve mentioned before I’m not the biggest fan of loss recovery staking and so to reduce risk I start with a small and replaceable bankroll. As soon as this has been repaid I can increase the risk because I’m working purely with profits. At this point I look to take out 50% of the profits on any day as long as a new high point in the bankroll has been reached and then re-adjust. It’s still early days but mathematically with the right settings this approach can work. Many years ago I actually used to follow this process manually and did my own research into the race conditions that should be used to maximise the return.
Hi Michael,
An excellent presentation, very clear.
Christopher commented: “I have used loss recovery betting software from Steve Davidson before and blew an entire large betting bank over a couple of days. Loss recovery = chasing losses which I have learned the hard way not to do” and
PunterPort commented: “I am still undecided about this one as I cannot yet see where the edge is BUT I am encouraged by the fact that you seem to hold it in high regard so I will continue following with some optimism.”
I assume you only bet if you have an edge aka Expected Gain is >0 so where do you say the edge is?
The “house edge” is approx 5% to 6% plus maybe 1% over-round in the betfair win market (varies for UK vs OZ exchange and will be less for v. large turnover of course) but still, how do you overcome the house edge merely by loss chasing and no form study ie no skill? Backing and laying the favourite would make sense only after a careful analysis of whether the favourite was a false one or not.
If this system works then why not just apply it to single-zero roulette where the house advantage is only about 2.7%
To use a poker analogy this software is saying: you lost a hand with 3 Aces now you are dealt a pair of 2’s and you are required to INCREASE your bet! Huh?
Cheers, Peter
In response to Peter Jansen and the other comments relating to loss recovery betting … yes I totally agree – mathematically it can only work if you have an edge… in which case it isn’t the best or clearest way to manage your risk and bank growth! And I agree that on the face of it, it seems unlikely that simply backing favourites on betfair would have any edge. However, despite my beliefs… I bought this software when it first came out and used it meticulously following Steve’s recommended settings for about 3 months. This was partly because I know Steve well, have bought many products from him over the years – he’s totally genuine and he only sells good stuff. I ran it at very low stakes on GB and AUS markets. For me it didn’t work… I didn’t lose much in percentage terms, but after 3 months I was fractionally down. Many of the times that I hit a stop loss I questioned Steve to see if he had hit the same one. We crosschecked carefully… sometimes he had, but often his had not! It seemed to be purely random why his had bet one or two different horses… ie very close as to which one was the favourite, so the slightly different bet amounts or slightly different time parameters meant mine backed one horse and his had backed another… but as it happens mine always came off worse! I wonder if my expectation that it couldn’t and wouldn’t work had anything to do with it! (moving into metaphysical areas here, grin!). Since then I’ve had further debates with Steve on how mathematically it is unsound, but he points out that the UK backing stream has now been through 5 busts across a decent number of months and is x hundred points up, ie is demonstrably “working”. As stated above, my view is that this can only work if it would also have worked at level stakes across that period, as unlikely as that might seem with this method. So in conclusion… it shouldn’t work, but it seems to… although it also didn’t work when I tried it. Clear as mud? I will continue to watch it with interest!
Hi Stephen,
(Belatedly!). Thanks for your comments and analysis with actual betting which showed a loss as one would expect.
Your comments: ” Many of the times that I hit a stop loss I questioned Steve to see if he had hit the same one. We crosschecked carefully… sometimes he had, but often his had not! It seemed to be purely random why his had bet one or two different horses… ie very close as to which one was the favourite, so the slightly different bet amounts or slightly different time parameters meant mine backed one horse and his had backed another… but as it happens mine always came off worse! ” are indeed fascinating.
Your horse always coming off worse compared to Steve’s pick is a serious concern as one would expect a roughly 50:50 split unless the results are biased by some mysterious process.
One solution would be for you to simply send your betting bank to Steve and have the robot place the bets from his location as that seems the only other variable left to control for. You could arrange a profit share with Steve and if all is kosher you both come out winners! No?
Or am I missing something in all this?
Cheers, Peter
Thanks for replying Peter.
I think the sample set of my comparisons with Steve’s sequences is just far too small… we only did the meticulous crosscheck twice.
But I’m not in the business of spending my time and money on a method that seems to have no edge and needs me to be lucky to work, so I quit it at that point!
More recently I’ve also tried his soccer “Auto Profit Soccer” bot which does a similar thing on betfair soccer matches, up to 10 streams at a time. Its a nicely done piece of software… but again it hasn’t worked for me on the recommended settings… again because I don’t believe there is any edge with them (backing short favourites, laying draws, and backing or laying in BTTS markets). Have a look at the web page – it is interesting. The recommended settings have changed a few times since the start quite a few months ago, so again this is suggestive that it doesn’t make long term profits on any given set of parms – which is as I would expect!
So I remain a total non-believer in any form of recovery staking.
Well put Stephen!
Yes the gent/s behind this stream of loss-chasing bots seem/s to need to tweak them (backfitting?) a lot.
My guess is he makes his money from selling these bots, not from actually using them for serious income.
There is a market for this sort of stuff ie winning without thinking or developing any handicapping skill.
Sadly there are some snake oil salespeople willing to pander to them and relieve them of their cash.
What farmer sells the goose that lays such golden eggs?
Why don’t the sellers of these systems keep quiet about them, unleash a horde of these winning bots and retire to a private island on the profits?
Cheers, the anserine, Peter