Royal Ascot System Selections

At the beginning of this years Royal Ascot Festival, Derek outlined a festival system that he uses. You can see all the details of this system in his post here.
If you’d been following this system in the first four days of the festival then you would have had a 44% strike rate and an 18% ROI. The selections I’ve found using this system are:
The profit has been 1.66 units to Betfair SP. Although that doesn’t sound like much, when you consider that it comes from just nine bets in very competitive racing that’s pretty good. And it’s better than most punters will have done over the last four days.
However, if you’d actually taken these runners as a shortlist and analysed them in further detail… you would have been able to easily remove at least two of the losing bets from your selections.
As it’s the last day of the festival, I thought that for today I would find the selections from this system for you. I recommend that you use them as a shortlist to look at further.
It has been pointed out to me that I have mistakenly included Always Smile and Dissolution shouldn’t have been qualifiers as they were both running in a handicap race.
That means the profit stood at +3.66 units and the ROI is 52%!
My apologies for this error in the results above.
On the Friday 19th there were another three selections:
Stravagante @ 3.75
Found @ 2.63
Aloft @ 3.5
Of these runners Aloft won generating a further +0.38 units profit and taking the totals to…
Profit: +4.04
Strike Rate: 50%
ROI: 40%
Royal Ascot Day 5 Selections From Derek’s Festival Betting System
Please note that there is a rule which is based on the market:
Favs inc Jt/Co priced @ 5/1 or less.
Due to the market not being properly formed when I found these selections I have not implemented this rule. You should take the list of selections below and then apply the above rule to them before doing your further analysis.
15:40: Eagle Top, Postponed, Snow Sky, Telescope
17:35: Longshadow, Ofcouriewecan, Brave Richard, Le Maitre Chat, Taws