Reckon you could be a trainer?

We like to think we know a bit about racing, right?
But could we actually do the job of being a trainer?
It’s a tricky old task, because not only are you running a business…
But you also have to have a license and qualifications…
And deal with staff and owners and suppliers…
Oh, and be able to train a horse!
In fact, that’s just the start.
Our pro bettor Patrick Lynch has been taking a look at the steps you need to make to become a professional horseracing trainer.
It’s absolutely fascinating.
Bookies need not apply!
Click here to learn what it takes to become a trainer – in today’s FREE article.
I think I’m going to stick to making my money by betting.
Which brings me neatly to our controversial FREE guide.
It teaches you how to find winners in eight very simple steps – using statistics.
Click HERE for your free copy of Using Statistics To Find Winners At The Track.
No bettor should be without one!
All the best,
The Race Advisor