OMG! Trump could live to 200 & …..?!

So, Donald Trump’s doctor has delivered the verdict on his health.
And announced that the US President could live to 200 years old – if he cut out cheeseburgers.
A scary thought, but hang on…
That’s 78 years older than the oldest person who ever lived!
Er, maybe he was joking.
Maybe he was being sarcastic.
After all, Donald Trump is a guy who eats fried chicken, guzzles Diet Coke and never does any exercise bar trundle round a golf course!
Or maybe Dr Ronny Jackson doesn’t have a very firm grip on the stats.
He should read the  Daily Stat Pack.
It’s absolutely packed with them.
It won’t help him with Trump’s medical assessment.
But it will help him win a tidy sum of money on the horses today.
It’s just been published and as always it’s full of information that’s invaluable for your betting.
Oh – and it’s completely FREE for you to profit from.
Click HERE to read the free Daily Stat Pack and place a truly Presidential bet today.
All the best,
The Race Advisor