Mayday! Mayday!
This is not a drill, folks.
The Festival Guide for this year’s glorious Newmarket is now HALF PRICE.
But you’ve gotta be quick to bag this incredible offer, because it’s only valid for today.
And we’re only telling you guys who follow the Race Advisor about this great offer.
So you can be the ones to make the big money at this fantastic festival.
If you’ve used Race Advisor Festival Guides before, you may know how good they are.
Compiled by pro bettors, they are consistently a great way to make money at a festival.
And at eye-popping odds, too.
Which is not always the easiest thing to do – not by a long stretch.
So make sure you have an expert on your side this Newmarket.
At the mind-boggling price of just under a tenner.
You won’t find that kind of value everywhere in betting.
For that low price, you will get:
* Every last stat you need to know.
* In-depth analysis that can sweep you to victory.
* Top selections our expert’s thing you should be backing.
* Brilliant bets that can put a rocket under your returns.
So make an impact this Newmarket and give your betting the best chance ever.
All the best,
The Race Advisor