Make £270 a month (without really trying)

Here are some stats you’ll enjoy.
What makes an average 27 profitable bets a month?
At an average profit of £270 a month?
Has made £9,720 for its members?
And can do the same for you?
The answer, folks, is Betting Bounty, the amazing risk-FREE betting platform.
Now, you’re probably wondering how it can churn all that profit at extraordinarily low risk.
Which is why we’ve put together a comprehensive video that explains the whole thing.
It’s less than five minutes, so you don’t need to spend all day on it, and it tells you everything.
See if you fancy getting a slice of the Betting Bounty profit.
Click HERE to see how Betting Bounty can make you rich – without the risk!
It’s well worth a look.
And if you’re in the frame of mind to learn, here’s another champion.
I can show you how to make bets that are 100% guaranteed to make you a winner.
As in, you will NEVER lose.
If that sounds mad, I can assure you it isn’t, and all will be revealed here…
Click HERE to learn how to make easy, guaranteed profit.
All the best,
The Race Advisor
Your Video does not say how to handle a bet that drifts out so as to have a stop loss. Or do you wait until start of the race to red up?
Hi, This is explained in more detail within the member’s area when you sign up 🙂