High Strike Rate, Odds On Horse Racing Strategy

In the post The Lazy Man’s 4% Horse Racing Plan, I showed how you only need to make a 4% return per year in order to be able to earn enough money to never have to work again.
Yes, it requires a complete shift in the way you think. And it goes against most of the ways in which modern society tries to make us think and, more importantly, consume.
But you only have to look at the numbers to realise it’s true.
As part of that blog post, I promised to share a way to find a large amount of winners using a very simple approach. So, today, I’m sharing one of the video strategies that was released to RA Pro Members Club members during September 2019.
Every month I record a video strategy using our software and tools, and release it to members so that it can form another part of their portfolio.
Inside this video I used our Daily Digest email, which contains, amongst other things, our Daily Stat Pack Contenders. These horses come purely from jockey and trainer statistics, and as you’ll see in the video below, we can use these to very quickly find strong horses every day.
Most of these horses will be odds-on. But that’s the point of this strategy. You can watch the video below, and when you’ve finished leave me a comment and let me know if this is an approach that suits your personal style of betting.
If you’re not yet a member of the RA Pro Members Club community, you can get your seven day trial here.