The football that made people angry…

I’ve often wondered how they come up with those rubbish pictures you see on road signs.
You know,
The elephant (zoo)
The football (stadium)
That strange big house thing (no idea).
There was a big fuss over the football one recently.
Someone quite rightly pointed out it would be impossible to make it in real life because its hexagons are flat.
It just defies science.
And after 20,000 people complained (I’m not joking) about this offensive football, the government had to respond…
To say that they would do absolutely nothing.
Of course!
The government said the rubbish signs’ only purpose is so drivers take in information quickly.
In other words, “We don’t care if it’s wrong.”
Which I do understand – a simple picture is much easier to understand at speed than “Bristol City FC” (to use a random example).
The same is true in betting.
But rather than saving seconds, it can save HOURS.
And sharpen up your betting no end, too.
And that’s the subject of today’s fantastic free article, Using Graphs to Simplify Racing Analysis.
It shows how YOU can very simply use graphs to make better, faster bets.
Let me explain how.
Click HERE to read today’s free article, Using Graphs to Simplify Racing Analysis.
And if you’d like to learn how to control the entire betting system… well…
You’ll need something a little bit more powerful.
I’m talking about the 15 Minute Method.
The jaw-dropping book that teaches you how to do what the bookies do and make your own betting tissue.
Why would you want to do that?
Because once you do, you have the true odds at your fingertips.
So you’ll be betting at incredible value.
And you won’t need the bookies ever again.
I’m serious.
Click HERE to find out more about the astonishingly profitable 15 Minute Method.
All the best,
The Race Advisor