Mark Adams

Mark Adams

I have been a milkman since I left school 40 years ago. Firstly working with my father and when he retired taking the business on. Doorstep milkmen are dying out around the country but, here in the South Wales valleys I have been fortunate that I have a loyal band of customers that keep me in employment. It's an early start at 2.0 am but, I'm usually home at 8.00 and have the day to myself. That's sometimes where the problems have been with my betting as I have afternoons free and have been easily sucked into gambling and not investing.
  • Aug- 2017 -
    22 August

    This Time Next Year We’ll Be Millionaires

    Most of us know where this famous phrase comes from, and I’m sure that I used to give this impression to my family when I started betting nearly 30 years ago. Guess what.. they’re still waiting! I think they gave up a long time ago on having a lifestyle of fast cars and long haul holidays. I don’t mention it…

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