Now, a lot of you have been writing to me about the VDW Maximiser.
The incredible new betting tool from the Race Advisor.
We’ve spent months building it – and spent an eye-watering amount of money on it.
And yet, we’re currently letting people sign up for very little.
How much? Find out by clicking here!
Anyway, a lot of people have been asking exactly how it works.
And I thought it might be best explained in five detailed steps.
The VDW Maximiser uses artificial intelligence to find all previous similar races to the one you want to bet on – and looks at how VDW performed back then.
It then scores the ratings in these races based on their performance and combines it with the odds of the horses.
The VDW Maximiser will then determine how suitable VDW ratings are for the race – and shows you how good the ratings are in similar races.
It will also show you the VDW form and ability ratings for every horse in the race, plus its own VDW score and live odds of the selections.
That just leaves you to place your bet, knowing VDW has done the business in this sort of race before, or – if it looks risky – see if there is a horse the software does recommend betting on.
That’s a short introduction to how it all works.
If you like to find out more and sign up today, click the link below.
Click HERE to see how the VDW Maximiser can make sure you never lose another bet!
All the best,
The Race Advisor
are you able to cancel at anytime,regards dave
Would be nice instead of just talking about it and saying its good but show a tutorial on how to use it and some proof.
Thank you for your message Chris. You can see the training videos at https://anonymousginger.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000056492-VDW-Maximiser
Checked the videos and its still not as good as what you make out to be. All tools are good to help you with selection but this VDW Maximiser is not great. When you are expecting people to pay for a service which is not really proofed just guess work not really good enough.